Tips On How To Grow Long Hair
- by Asia
- Posted on June 20, 2022 10,711 views
Growing long hair is a goal for many people, and considering how much time it takes to grow, you want to make sure you’re doing everything right. It can help to know how to grow long hair so that you don’t end up wasting your time either cutting it back too short or trying to grow it out only for it to be cut shorter than before. To get the best results and make sure your hair is growing in the most healthy way possible, follow these steps:
Tips on how to grow long hair
1. Eat Healthy and Supplement
Eating healthy can be difficult when you’re trying to grow long hair, but making an effort to eat healthy foods can really help. Supplementing with Biotin, which is a supplement with hair growth benefits, can also be a good idea if your diet is lacking in certain nutrients. Hair growth vitamins are available for purchase at most health stores and many drug stores.
2. Trim Regularly
You want to start trimming your hair every 6-8 weeks because otherwise it will become fragile as it grows out from the scalp. This will prevent damage from occurring and give your hair a chance to grow out longer without breaking off or getting damaged at the ends.
3. Protect Your Hair
Wearing a hat or other form of head covering when you know you’re going to be exposed to the elements for an extended period of time can help protect your hair from damage. This is especially important with sun exposure, but wind, rain and cold can also cause problems for hair that isn’t protected from the elements. Keeping your hair covered and protected can go a long way towards making sure it keeps growing long.
4. Keep it Avoiding Heat
Using heat on your hair regularly can cause damage as well as breakage that will keep your hair shorter than it otherwise would be if you didn’t use so much heat. If you are using heat at all, it’s important to make sure it’s not too hot. If your hair is curling, this is often a sign that the heat is too high.
5. Wash Your Hair Regularly with Shampoo Made for Hair Growth
Using shampoo specifically designed for hair growth can help to keep your hair healthy and prevent breakage as well. There are also shampoos that contain vitamins and other beneficial ingredients that can keep your hair healthy and growing longer. Try to avoid shampoos used to wash dishes at home or anything else that isn’t specifically designed for hair growth because they can leave a residue in your hair and cause breakage if used too regularly.
Growing long hair is a goal for many people, and considering how much time it takes to grow, you want to make sure you’re doing everything right. It can help to know how to grow long hair so that you don’t end up wasting your time either cutting it back too short or trying to…